Self-Portrait: Writings and Interviews_e-version
₹ 60.00
Self-Portrait: Writings and Interviews 1962-1979
A compilation of essays, speeches, memoirs and interviews of one of the greatest Indian sculptors and painters. Compiled and edited by Sandipan Bhattacharya. Translated into English by Sudipto Chakraborty.
Self-Portrait: Writings and Interviews 1962-1979
A compilation of essays, speeches, memoirs and interviews of one of the greatest Indian sculptors and painters. Compiled and edited by Sandipan Bhattacharya. Translated into English by Sudipto Chakraborty.
1st edition, 2.68 MB
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Shyamali khastgir
Jadugoda DiaryThe uranium that fuels India’s nuclear weapons and energy programme is mined at Jadugoda in Singhbhum district in the state of Jharkhand. The company that does the mining is Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL). UCIL was established in 1967 and started its operations in 1968 at Jadugoda with uranium ore mining and a processing plant, each of 1,000 metric tonnes per day capacity.
For more than three decades, there have been a large number of news reports in various magazines and newspapers, detailing various health problems suffered by the people of the area. Mostly these have concerned a large number of deformities in children and various kinds of lung problems.
Shyamali Khastgir surveyed the area in year 2000 and brought out this report.
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