Talking about Films_e-version
₹ 50.00
In StockNemai Ghosh
Talking about Films
Writings Speeches Interviews
This is a collection of English writings, speeches and interviews of Nemai Ghosh, best known as the director of the first neo-realist film ‘Chinnamul’ that dealt with partition of Bengal during the partition of India in 1947.
Nemai Ghosh
Talking about Films
Writings Speeches Interviews
This is a collection of English writings, speeches and interviews of Nemai Ghosh, best known as the director of the first neo-realist film ‘Chinnamul’ that dealt with partition of Bengal during the partition of India in 1947.
e-edition, 734 KB
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বেলা চক্রবর্তী।। ভোলানাথ ভট্টাচার্য
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